Practice Management Team
Joanne Flavell
Practice Manager
Thomas Ward
Deputy Clinical Manager
Administration Staff
Diane Brookes
Medical Secretary and Senior Education Administrator
Julie Clarke
PA/Medical Secretary
Karen Bennett
Sarah Gilkes
Megan Clarke
QOF Coordinator
Reception Team
Natalie Wilkins
Senior Receptionist
Ian Jones
IT Lead, Scanning Clerk
Claire King
Julie Bradley
Jill Newey
Linda Hopes
In accordance with the current legislation all surgery staff are to be CRB checked where appropriate. The receptionists are here to help you; they are trained and qualified for the job and are a very important part of the health care team. They act on the doctors instructions. When you phone for medical attention they may ask you some details that the doctors need to know, to enable them to help you in the most appropriate way. Please be patient with this part of the system (as there may be times when the surgery is very busy).